Championing Justice for Camp Lejeune Veterans and Families

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Representatives Greg Murphy and Deborah Ross, and co-sponsors Representatives McHenry, Hudson, Hunt, Manning, Davis, Jackson, Rouzer, Edwards, and Lee are championing a critical new bill designed to ensure the Camp Lejeune Justice Act serves its intended purpose. This bill aims to rectify the unforeseen consequences that have impeded the CLJA’s implementation and to expedite the justice process for thousands of claimants. Here’s how it will accomplish that:

  1. Right to Jury Trials: Affirming the right to jury trials for claimants, ensuring their cases are heard and adjudicated fairly in a court of law.
  2. Fair Attorneys’ Fees: Setting attorneys’ fees at 20 percent for any settlement reached before a civil action and 25 percent for any judgment or settlement after a civil action. These fee structures align with the current Department of Justice standards, ensuring fair compensation for legal services.
  3. Extend Jurisdiction: Extending the jurisdiction of CLJA cases from the Eastern District of North Carolina to the entire 4th Circuit to alleviate insupportable backlogs. This change is crucial to speeding up the resolution of the thousands of pending claims.

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act (CLJA), enacted in 2022 as part of the PACT Act, was a landmark piece of legislation aimed at providing justice for Veterans and families harmed by exposure to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune. For decades, thousands of Marines, their families, civilian workers, and personnel unknowingly used government-provided tap water laced with harmful chemicals, at levels up to 3400 times the safety limits. This exposure has been linked to countless debilitating conditions and even deaths. While the intent of the CLJA was noble, its implementation has faced significant hurdles, and the Department of Justice and the Department of the Navy have continually evaded their responsibilities to victims. To date, only 53 out of the 175,000 claims submitted have been settled—a mere 0.03%. This statistic is not just a number; it represents a staggering failure to deliver justice to those who have suffered immensely.

The contamination at Camp Lejeune has caused profound and lasting harm to countless individuals. Congress must act swiftly to ensure the CLJA fulfills its promise of justice. This bill is a critical step in correcting decades of neglect and indifference, providing a clear path to justice for those who have suffered.

We urge all members of Congress to support this vital initiative. By doing so, we can honor the sacrifices of our Veterans and families affected by this tragedy and ensure they receive the justice and compensation they deserve. Contact your Representative today, and tell them you stand with the Camp Lejeune victims by calling (202) 224-3121 or online, HERE!

Read Our Letter of Support for the Camp Lejeune Justice Corrections Act

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