Jax Act Introduced in Congress: Recognition for Women Combat Veterans

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On Thursday, 23 March 2023, a historic step was taken to honor and recognize women combat veterans from Cultural Support Teams (CST). We are proud to have helped spearhead a truly bipartisan effort alongside US Representatives Issa (R-CA), Crow (D-CO), Kiggans (R-FL), and Houlahan (D-PA) to introduce the Jax Act on Capitol Hill. All veterans themselves, they understand the immense value CSTs brought to the battlefield during the War on Terror.

While CSTs were expected to serve under the same circumstances and at the same skill level as their male counterparts, they experienced a much different welcome home post-deployment. While the men received recognition for their accomplishments and sacrifices and care for their combat-related injuries, CSTs were denied the same care and honor. The Jax Act will right a decade of moral injuries inflicted on these women warriors.

“The Jax Act isn’t just about amending a personnel file. It’s about telling the truth, recognizing courage under fire, and fighting for those who fought for all of us,” said Rep. Issa. “While the bill is named for ‘Jax’ Scott (SOAA board member), literally hundreds of brave women servicemembers were asked to volunteer for the most dangerous missions, did so without hesitation, and who now need our help. We’re going to set this right.”

We are proud to continue working with members of Congress and the Senate to ensure that Jax Act is signed into law. Thursday was a victory, but there is still much work to be done, as the Bill will need to pass through committee, congressional vote, and then on to the Senate. We call on the House and Senate to expeditiously and unanimously pass the Jax Act within the year. CSTs have sacrificed enough. They have more than earned the government’s, and indeed the whole country’s, respect, support, and care.

View Press Release

Review the Bill on Congress Website

Jax Act – See the Bill

Read the Washington Post Article

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