We are proud to announce a huge win for SOF currently serving in the National Guard! After hearing our call for change, Chairman Mike Levin (D-Calif.) expressed his support to ensure that all members of the National Guard and Reserves serving on the border receive full benefits, just like those on active duty. Chairman Levin stated, “It’s my strong belief that we have to provide Guard and Reserve members with the same benefits as active-duty members when they are performing the same duties.” With pressure from Congress, the Secretary of Defense has now issued a policy change that ensures all members of the National Guard that serve on the southern border will be granted eligibility for the benefits they deserve.
SOAA thanks Chairman Levin for his leadership, and the Secretary and other members of Congress that recognize the sacrifice that all Servicemembers make every time they put on the uniform. We’re proud to fight for all members of the Special Operations community regardless of duty status.