Answering the Call: Why We Need SOF Veterans in Office

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“Your nation needs you once more. Bring your leadership and commitment to the halls of power.” Our founder, Daniel Elkins, strongly charges SOF Veterans to run for public office in an Op-Ed featured in RealClearDefense, and offers SOAA’s full support for those who do, regardless of party affiliation.

Read the full piece HERE

America continues to face a leadership crisis! Career politicians dominate the scene—detached from the harsh realities faced daily by our men and women in uniform. In stark contrast, members of the SOF community navigate the most complex and high-stakes environments imaginable, making life-and-death decisions with limited resources against overwhelming odds. These elite individuals excel in leading diverse teams, collaborating with global allies, and solving intricate problems with innovative solutions—qualities our elected leaders ought to possess but often lack.

Our commitment to supporting SOF community members running for office goes beyond partisan politics because the experiences and insights SOF Veterans bring to the table are invaluable to our democracy. We will leverage our network to mobilize voters in support of these candidates. SOF Veterans come from all walks of life, races, and creeds, representing a diverse cross-section of America. By promoting our community, we diversify America’s political leadership and enrich it with a wealth of experience, expertise, and unparalleled insight.

Together, we can and will forge a brighter future for all Americans.