Calling On Congress to Pass Ukraine Aid Package

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In a recent letter to Congress, we urge Congress to continue to support Ukraine through the passage of the new Ukraine Aid Package without delay. Daily our teams witness first-hand how vital allied support is in determining the outcome of this war. It is also imperative that Putin be held responsible for his actions. He has caused the devastation in Ukraine and should be required to pay for its rebuilding. For this reason, we support the REPO provision in this legislation.

Further, we commend our European allies for the crucial support they continue to provide to Ukraine amid Russia’s ongoing invasion. Put simply, Ukraine cannot successfully fend off Russian take-over without equipment, training, and supplies from its allies. Reports from our boots-on-the-ground confirm the delivery and utilization of high-quality weapons and equipment from European allies directly to the frontlines of Ukraine. This support has proven indispensable in Ukraine’s valiant resistance against Russian aggression.

In the fight for peace and security around the world, collaboration and solidarity are our strongest allies. As the world witnesses Ukraine’s resilience in the face of adversity, we must continue to rally behind them with unwavering support.  Let us heed this call and ensure Ukraine receives the assistance it needs to defend its sovereignty and uphold the values of democracy and freedom. Together, we can make a difference in the struggle against tyranny and advance the cause of peace and security in Europe and beyond.

Read Our Letter to Congress Supporting Ukraine Aid