SOF Background: US Army Ranger

Running for: US House of Representatives, Colorado District 6

Bio: Jason proudly represents Colorado’s 6th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he fights to end corruption and the influence of money in politics, keep our communities safe from gun violence, fight the climate crisis, and protect Colorado’s working families. Jason sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Foreign Affairs Committee, where he serves as the Ranking Member of the Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee. He serves on the Democratic Caucus’s National Security Task Force and is Vice-Chair of the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force. Every day in Congress, Jason is fighting for common-sense solutions for all Coloradans.

After the horrific 9/11 attacks, Jason served in the Army’s storied 82nd Airborne Division. As Jason matter-of-factly puts it, “I’ve just always been someone who goes where the fight is.” Jason soon found himself leading a platoon of paratroopers during the invasion of Iraq and earned the Bronze Star for his combat actions during the invasion. Shortly after returning from Iraq, he joined the Army’s elite 75th Ranger Regiment, serving two additional tours – this time in Afghanistan, as part of the Joint Special Operations Task Force, where Jason served along the Pakistan border.

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