We bring the Ground Truth from the front lines to the highest levels of government. Our vast network of Operators across the globe, combined with firsthand knowledge and years of experience, provides insight to decision makers on Capitol Hill. Whether we are giving lectures in an academic setting, briefings at the Pentagon, or training leaders domestically or abroad, SOAA provides recommendations to our nation’s leaders on the hardest national security issues.
From the blog
Meet the SOF Veterans Strengthening National Security
The United States has long benefited from leaders with military experience, but few bring the depth of operational knowledge, strategic thinking, and real-world problem-solving skills

The Innovation of Consumer Drones on the Battlefield: A Trip Around the World
By now everyone has seen a ‘first-person view’ (FPV) drone video of a drop of a 40mm explosive, grenade, or other homemade explosive on unsuspecting

Our Reaction to President Trump’s Inaugural Address
President Donald Trump’s 2025 inaugural address outlined a bold vision for American national security, placing a renewed emphasis on sovereignty, border security, and energy independence.
Losing Africa: China’s Economic Takeover Is America’s Strategic Disaster
As Washington indulges in bureaucratic inertia, focusing disproportionately on counterterrorism and short-term aid programs, China is executing a global coup right under America’s nose—starting with
Safeguarding National Security: Prohibiting Foreign Access to American Genetic Information Act
As current and former Special Operators, we know subversion tactics when we see them. Because of this, we recently voiced our strong support to the
NDS Report Warnings
The most recent bipartisan Commission on the National Defense Strategy Report issues stark warnings about the escalating global threats facing the U.S. and the world,
Empowering Allies, Preventing Conflict: The Strategic Value of Foreign Internal Defense Missions
Foreign Internal Defense (FID) missions provide the U.S. with a low-cost, high-impact preventative measure to conventional conflict by enabling Host Nations (HN) to conduct unilateral
A Call for Vigilance: Rising Terror Threats and Global Instability Post-Afghanistan Withdrawal
On July 8th, 2021, President Biden stood in the East Room of the White House to declare: “The United States did what we went to
2024 Panel Event: The Power of OSINT in National Security
We’re hosting our second annual Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) panel event at the Library of Congress in collaboration with our partner, ShadowDragon. This year, our panels
The Strategic Importance of USASOC: Real-World Implications and the Case for Preservation
The United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) stands as a sentinel of our nation’s defense framework. Representing a sizable portion of the 6,000 total
The Role of Open-Source Intelligence in Future Competition and Conflict Event
On 19 April 2023, we partnered with the OSINT Foundation to present panel discussions on the Role of Open-Source Intelligence in Future Competition and Conflict.
Announcing Partnership and Event with OSINT Foundation
We are thrilled to announce our new partnership with the OSINT Foundation. OSINT proudly promotes open-source intelligence tradecraft, elevates the discipline, and develops the practitioner