Protecting Our Soldiers’ Future: A Plea to Preserve Army Tuition Assistance

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The Army’s tuition assistance (TA) program, a lifeline for countless Servicemembers seeking to further their education, is under threat of being cut. This is not merely a budgetary decision; it’s a potential blow to the future and well-being of those who selflessly serve our country. TA is not just about covering educational expenses; it’s about investing in the development and advancement of our soldiers. Not only should TA remain fully intact, but it should be increased, as the program has not been adjusted for inflation since 2002! TA provides our soldiers with the tools they need to excel both during and after their military service. By offering financial support for higher education, the Army not only attracts recruits but also fosters loyalty and commitment among its ranks.

In 2023, more than a hundred thousand soldiers utilized TA, representing a relatively small fraction of the Army’s total budget. Yet, the impact of this program extends far beyond its monetary value. It represents a promise—a promise to support our soldiers in their pursuit of knowledge and opportunity. As Veterans serving Veterans, many of whom have benefited from using TA, we can attest to its transformative power.

Now, more than ever, as the landscape of military service evolves and the demand for higher education increases, we cannot afford to undermine the importance of this program. Cutting the Army’s tuition assistance program would not only hinder the educational aspirations of our soldiers but also undermine their future prospects upon transitioning to civilian life.

We wrote a letter to the Secretary of the Army, pleading with him to reconsider any plans to cut or reduce the tuition assistance program. We must ensure that our soldiers have the resources they need to thrive, both on and off the battlefield.

Read Our Letter to Secretary Wormuth